Indoor & Outdoor Gardens


The garden has always held a special place with Stephanie, believing she could find a Secret Garden just like Mary Lennox. Until that dream happens she continues to collect house plants, while inspiring others to do the same.


Indoor Houseplants

Houseplants add beauty and foliage inside your home. Varieties of plants some require little care and others will need more attention. Creating environments that will engage all of the senses.




Container Gardening

Great way to spruce up the front porch, by adding color and versatility into the space. Pottery containers are a wonderful way to control the growth of your garden. They're simple to put together with just a few easy steps. 




Small Patio Garden

Outdoor spaces when cultivated and cared for can bring a lot of added joy.  Even with the smallest outdoor space. You can have beautiful flowers blossoming with fresh vegetables and herbs all year around.